Hello All,
I recently posted a couple of pictures of a leather side quiver that I made last weekend a few of you asked for some instructions on how it is made....here they are. Here are the different components:
1)Upper quiver piece 8-10oz tooling leather (mine measures 8.25" x 5" Flat)
2)Lower quiver piece 8-10oz tooling leather (mine measures 8.25" x 10" Flat)
3)2 Small scraps of thin brown leather
4)2 1/4" thick closed cell foam circle cut to final inner diameter (2 5/8" in this case) (available at craft stores)
5)1/2" x 2 5/8" wooden circle (cut with a hole saw)
6)Decorative Piece 5oz tooling leather cut to match part of the lower quiver piece (optional)
7)2 aluminum arrow tubes/wood dowel/hardwood strip
8)1/8" leather lace in what ever color you choose
10)2 x 1" D-ring
11)Around 6 feet of 1" leather strap (depending on your "girth"....
12)6-8 upholstery tacks
13)2 x 1"x 4" strips of 5oz leather (for D-ring mounts)
Tools and other stuff:
1)Adjustable Leather Hole Punch
2)Heavy Duty Needles
3)Heavy Duty Thread (I use bow string material)
4)Razor Knife (for cutting leather)
5)Leather Glue (if adding decorative piece)
6)Leather Carving Tools (if decorating)
7)Leather Stain