I believe I dry-fired my 49# @ 62" Bob Lee Hunter recurve a couple days ago, and I don't quite know what caused it.
I had taken about 10 or 12 shots with a slightly-thinner-string from the previous owner. (I had never tried this string before now, but the newer string had serving wear and I wanted to be, "safe".) Also I switched to shooting 3-under a few weeks ago. The string had one brass nock under which I place the arrow. After the bang, the arrow tumbled to my feet and the string gave me a nasty red mark in front of my armguard. The brass nock was gone.
Is it possible the string nock the wasn't tight enough on the string, ...or that my arrow nocks were too large? ...or that I should use two string nocks for 3-under?
I checked the bow, and the brace height is now ~ 1/4" shorter than when I strung the bow. I don't see any damage that wasn't there previously (there are hairline ?cracks/delaminations? right near the limb bolts that have been there since I bought the bow last fall).
I'll disassemble it and check averything, but then if I "see" no damage, is it safe to shoot this bow once I get a nock secured onto the string? (I'd like to eventually double serve the string.)