I am long-time compound shooter turned born again traditional the last two years. Last year I felt I was progressing well with traditional...groups getting tighter and shooter better at 25 yds. Then for the last year I got worse and have diligently tried to work through the frustration. Thought is was my release as my groups were all going from left to right. Bought different bows, changed my anchor, tried bunch of finger tabs, went form split finger to 3 under and back. All the while not getting better. Bought the form master after watching Bare Bow 4 DVD multiple times. Not till using form master did I realize that my bow arm was about 2 " forward causing movement when shooting. Now, by consciously pushing the bow and shoulder back, my release arm pulls at with back muscles naturally. What a jump in accuracy!! I really appreciate Tradgang and learning from all the folks that are happy to share their many years with the stick. Next is getting Terry's DVD.