A couple of things.
Check your stance. If you shoot right-handed, your right foot should be pretty close to parallel to the target. Stand with an open stance, your body is between 30 and 45 degrees of parallel. I know this sounds dumb, but I don't know how else to write this.
I think as VinnieB was saying, your bow is in that 'V' section between your thumb and hand. Maybe even more thumb than hand.
Make sure your elbow is rotated out. Grip anything that's virtical and solid and practice.(The virtical edge of a door works.)
Cant your bow to about 1:00 - 1:30. AM or PM, doesn't matter.
Check your brace height. If your bow is suppose to be from, say, 6" to 7", try closer to 7".
I really, really, really dislike wearing an armguard. Hot and uncomfortable are two that come to mind. So I will do anything I can to NOT wear one. When I get kissed, I know I've done something wrong.