In the ten years I shot compounds before returning to traditional archery, it was just archery when I started in the 60's, I would make the comment often. "if they outlawed compounds bows, it would make very little difference to me, I would grab my stickbows and keep on trucking". Most of the guys I shot with then looked and laughed. They would say something to the effect that they would just grab their rifles and hunt.
I even head many of the same guys say that if they had to choose between a bow(of any kind)and a rifle they would pick the firearm.
Based on those statements, I believe that bowhunting is NOT for everyone one. While it appears that Modern bowhunting seems to be something everyone can do, Traditional bowhunting is NOT! Not for lack of ability, but lack of commitment. While I love the company, I don't think I mind much that most people are not going to take the time to work at it.
This may just work out to be an advantage, although it is hard to argue that there is strength in numbers. It is also hard to argue that Quality is better than Quantity.