As an insturctor of Martial Art, Defensive Tactics for Police, and Certified instructor of Police, I try very hard not to let my opinion get in the way of the facts. I have stated it time and time again, in regard to shooting a bow, there are things that must be mastered if one is going to be a consistant shot. Unwavering focus on what you want to hit, a push/pull draw with ever expanding back tension through the release, a solid and consistant anchor, and a rock solid bow hand and follow-through. Beyond that, I could not care less if you are a gap shooter, instinctive shooter, gun barrel shooter, three fingers under guy, or whatever.
The things that make my shooting unique include the way I stand, foot position, the way I grip the bow, the degree of cant I use. Those things might work for you, but most likely won't work for everyone.
Our bodies are build different, we all have different genetic compositions and injuries that can force us to shoot slightly differently. All of these factors will determine to a degree how, or what style we will shoot better. I take pride in what I have obtained, not that I am better than someone else, but because I get better every year(using myself as the gauge for comparison), In other words, I am better than I was a year ago. I learn more everyday, as stated above, sometimes I use what I see, sometimes I don't. My way is not better for everyone, it is just better for me.
I for one am not comfortable with giving advice lightly. I want everyone that I provide imput, to benefit and not get more confused. I can honestly say, that most people that I have assisted in shooting, became a better shot than I am. I think that is great! The reason that is great is not because I am something special, it is great because that person will stay in the sport, they will tell others and impart that same knowleged and they will stay.
On the other hand, if I tell someone that shooting instinctive is the only way to go, and that method is not right for them, they may drop the sport totally. They may go into the woods and gut shoot an animal. My ego, what there is left of it, is not worth that kind of result.
I had spend ten years in target archery, I can tell you right now that most archery coaches have little or no knowlege about gap shooting, or instinctive shooting. If the bow isn't equiped with a scope or sight they would be lost. Sure they could teach the basics, as I described them above, but anyone could learn those themselves, using videos, a digital camera, and or video camera to check that they are doing what they think they are doing.
Just a few things that I have learned over the years of instructing people in different disciplines. There are more than one way to skin a cat, you just have to take your time to find the right one for you.