Jason, if you remove the clicker, does TP come back?
Clicker works for me too, only while its on the bow. It doesn't cure anything, just treats it.
"For me I notice that if I draw a little off whether up down or at the side of the target it seems to have no affect panicking me and I get to full and very locked in solid draw."
Me too. But that screws up the shot. I guess I do use that "Hill Style" of burning a spot and slowly drawing on it.
So, for me, This is what works:
Come to full draw a little off the spot.
Draw with my eyes closed.
close distance.- I have no problem up to about 12 yds.
Lighter Bow, for the first few shots anyway, then its business as usual.
Fooling myself into thinking that I won't let go while I draw.
Draw, telling myself I won't release, letting down, repeat, then draw-come to full anchor and release.
All the above work. But if like you say I burn a spot, concentrate, slowly try to draw to full anchor- I seem to hit an obstacle about an inch from my anchor point.