I wouldn;t think carbon in your limbs to be the problem, as carbon normally soak's up vibration.Two biggies with limb vibration, or as some call it, limb flutter, is brace and tiller.You might wanna try going lower with brace, to see if theres any improvement.
Not knowing if your bow's tiller is adjustable(ILF type) or not but whats desired it to have both limbs return to brace at the same time. Heres a trick to check to see of the limbs are timed....remove the string and put a strip of masking tape down the center of the limb from the beginning of the string grooves to say 10 dowm the limb...then as you draw the bow a few inches, have a friend apply lipstick to the limb side of your string...then come to full draw and shoot a test time, as you normally do...unstring the bow and measure to see if the lipstick line on the masking tape is the same lenght on both limbs...if not the limb with the shorter measurment is coming to brace ater that the other and needs weight added,if thebow is ajustable for tiller...if not the strong limb can be slowed by adding extra strng sliencer's...or by movingthe nocking point towards the weak limb, which will in effect chage tiller, by changing finger position on the string....ohh yeah limbsaver's are amazing on bow's with no problems, that just by design shoot harsh....and they smooth, limbs with no problems, as well.