Personally I don't see the issue if a person wants to use a traditional "wood" recurve with a sight against someone with an ILF riser, elevated rest, and sight. To me they are both the same monster, one just looks different.
I've routinely shot my "hunter" class compound against guys with the 3' stabs and Vbars, scopes, and lincoln log arrows. When competing against the average Joe, my scores were on par if not better in some shoots. Against the pros, well, they're pros for a reason. Why would a recurve or longbow be any different?
I have sights on almost all my recurves, and I enjoy using them for quick target ranging. The guys and gals that can shoot without them, my hat's off to you - that's incredible in my eyes.
I like the idea of a traditional aided and unaided group system. Off the shelf with no sights on an aluminum riser is no different than a woodriser at that point, and limb material should have no effect on classifications, IMO.
Put a sight or elevated rest on either, and you're in Aided. Simple as that.