I have a small, white crayon mark on the belly of my riser which zeros me at twenty yards. It's probably about three inches or so above the shelf. That's all I need. When I draw, I "guesstimate" the distance, draw with the mark in my peripheral vision then go strictly to focusing on a spot and not using the dot as a sight. Since I cant the bow, I couldn't use it as a true sight anyhow. I envision, in the future, not even needing/using it. I'm getting to the point where, for close shots, I don't use it at all anymore. Using this method has improved my shooting immensely. The good thing about this is that for longer shots, e.g. thirty yards or so, if my elevation is off I know it's due to something other than range estimation error. Of course, in most kinds of formal competition, it would be deemed illegal.