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Author Topic: Gap shooting - Insight or Delusion?  (Read 1347 times)

Offline dragon rider

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Gap shooting - Insight or Delusion?
« on: March 18, 2009, 01:02:00 PM »
While driving to work this morning, after watching Masters of the Barebow I again last night, and particulary Roger Rothkar (or however he actually spells it)  I think I've managed to translate gap shooting into something that makes sense to me.  
If I'm correct, gap shooting is exactly the same process as elevation setting when you're shooting a rifle.  You normally have a rifle sighted in for some set distance - usually 100 yards.  To the extent that what you're trying to shoot is more or less than 100 yards away, you have to hold over or under the desired point of impact to actually hit that point - all of which is simply adjusting for the trajectory of the bullet.  If that's true, then you should be able to shoot by sighting down your arrow if you use an anchor that gets the arrow under your eye the same way a rifle barrel would be, and with the same focus on the target, as if you were shooting with open sights.  The trick then is to find out what distance you're "sighted in" for and then adjust your point of aim based on the difference between where you are with respect to the target and where you're "sighted in."  The arrow trajectory should be more exaggerated than a bullet's trajectory because of the difference in weight and speed, but the principle should remain the same.  
The only real mechanical difference I can see at the moment is that when you're at full draw, your elbow has to be higher than it would be with a rifle, in part because you need your back muscles to draw and in part because the rifle stock forces your elbow down so you can set the stock against your shoulder to keep from getting your teeth kicked out.
So, the question becomes, have I actually started to understand gap shooting or am I off a happy little delusion of my own?

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Offline ishoot4thrills

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Re: Gap shooting - Insight or Delusion?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2009, 02:56:00 PM »
I think you're gettin' there. I believe there is more than only one way to define gap shooting. You would probably call my style of shooting more of a "point of reference" style than gap shooting, I guess. I am kinda gettin' to where I use the point of my arrow like a shotgun barrel. When you're wing shootin', you generally don't "sight in" the target with the bead on the rib of the shotgun barrel, as much as you tend to more "point" the barrel at the intended target and instinctively allow for the distance and lead by moving your muzzle to the right position to make the hit. This is much the same way I use the point of my arrow, especially when I'm shootin' at aerial discs. Only thing is, my projectile is much smaller than the pattern of lead from a shotgun, so I practice to become more accurate and to develop positive muscle memory, as traditional archery demands. It's still a great challenge, but I don't think as much as totally instinctive shooting is.

Actually, in reality, most trad archers, whether they care to admit it or not, subconsciously "see" the point of their arrow in their peripheral vision and allow themselves to move the bow up or down or side to side to line up and attempt the shot based on the position of the point relative to the target.

Does any of this make sense? I get carried away sometimes.       :rolleyes:    

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35/55 Gold Tip Pink Nugents @ 30"
3 X 5" Feathers
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Offline dragon rider

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Re: Gap shooting - Insight or Delusion?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2009, 04:01:00 PM »

Thanks.  That's a big help.  I think you're right about the shotgun analogy being a better comparison than a rifle, especially for a moving target, but I'm glad to know that I'm not completely crazy.

Thanks again.

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TGMM Family of the Bow

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Re: Gap shooting - Insight or Delusion?
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2009, 08:42:00 PM »

I am a newbee at this Trad stuff, but gap shooting, as I understand it, is the style of shooting I use. This is probably because of my years of compound shooting and utilizing pin sights. For me, the analogy of hitting a 35 yard target by placing your 40 yard pin low on the brisket works for me.

I will attempt to explain gap shooting as best I understand it. First, you need to find your "point on" distance. This is the distance where when you place the tip of your arrow on the target, that is exactly where the arrow will strike ( Point of aim = point of impact ). For the sake of this example, lets suppose that distance is 40 yards. Your arrow will arch 20 inches at 20 yards, the greatest distance of differential. So, at 20 yards, you would have to hold a gap of 20 inches low. Now, at 10 yards and 30 yards, your arrow flight is the same- 10 inches low. Therefore, at 10 yards and 30 yards, your holding point is the same, 10 inches low. This is because the arrow is still rising.

The distance that you determine to be your "point on" distance, whatever that distance is, if you divide that distance by 2- This will give you your maximum distance in inches to hold low. Example: "Point on" at 30 yards, at 15 yards you would hold 15 inches low. Your 10 yard and 30 yard hold would be the same at 7.5 inches low.

I hope I haven't totally confused you. One last thought. If I understand it correctly, you can confirm your maximum arrow gap by taking your known "point on" distance, in this example- 40 yards. If you stand at 20 yards and place your arrow tip on the center of the target, your arrow would strike 20 inches high. If you measure that distance and they should match.

Hope this helps,


Offline cliff77

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Re: Gap shooting - Insight or Delusion?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2009, 10:50:00 AM »
My focus is on the exact target while my secondary vision is using the arrow to horizontally align with that same target point My brain has automatically assessed the distance and setting the gap comes naturally, I just move vertically until it feels right. Then a good release, and holding the bow on target until the arrow hits, finishes the shot.
All that sounds good, and its nice when it works.
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Offline R H Clark

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Re: Gap shooting - Insight or Delusion?
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2009, 08:47:00 PM »
Here is the best way I can explain gap shooting.

Get a large target and start at 10 yards.Place the point of the arrow on your spot and shoot.Don't even worry about where the arrow is hitting.

Work on your form,alignment,and tuning untill you are shooting a tight group at some point directly above your spot.You are still putting the point of the arrow on your spot aiming with it every shot.

Now put that arrow point the same distance under your spot and you should be hitting your spot every time.

Now back up and go through the whole process again.There will be some yardage where you are point on and at longer yardage point above.

The beauty of this system is that with enough practice you get a feel for what the sight picture should look like at different yardage.When you reach that stage you no longer are concentrating on your arrow point, but only seeing it in your peripheral vision, with all your concentration on the spot you want to hit.

Offline ishoot4thrills

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Re: Gap shooting - Insight or Delusion?
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2009, 11:27:00 AM »
Yeah, what R H Clark said.
58" JK Traditions Kanati Longbow
Ten Strand D10 String
Kanati Bow Quiver
35/55 Gold Tip Pink Nugents @ 30"
3 X 5" Feathers
19.9% FOC
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Offline dragon rider

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Re: Gap shooting - Insight or Delusion?
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2009, 09:55:00 PM »
Thanks, guys.  That was a big help.
Don't meddle in the affairs of dragons; people are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

TGMM Family of the Bow

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