Everyone, I'll butt in here with a few comments. I'm just returning to the bow after a self imposed hiatus of several years. I'm 60 years next month and naturally left handed but grew up poor and learned to do some athletic things right handed when hand me down equipment dictated so, golf,and baseball (all right handed gloves, for example. Picked up the bow as a Boy Scout in the days of Fred Bear and naturally shor left handed and instinctively, there was no other way that I was aware of. Well fast forward a decade to getting serious about longarms and discovered that I'm right eye dominant. Even then it took another decade before some wisenheimer expert told me I needed to switch to pulling a right handed bow. I've since worried, read and pondered all the arguments pro and con and here's my final thinking: 1. I agree that the naturally stronger, more coordinated body side should take preference over the eye dominance for reasons stated above. My left bicep is a full incher bigger than my right, balance, stance, everything the body puts into shooting a bow comes naturally to my left side. Why would i fight that? 2. Consider that shooting a bow instinctively is a classic exercise in hand eye coordination, like shooting hoops or throwing a baseball, not so? When you shoot your bow, are you not looking straight ahead (mostly) with both eyes open? If you are a sight shooter, pin or peep, yes, most definitely use your dominant eye and let the weaker eye perform its function of determining field of view and depth of field. But instinctive shooting? The change that i eventually made to become more consistent left to right on target was also mentioned above, I cant my bow, lean my head over the bow and anchor on the corner of my mouth. Beyond that, keeping my arrows in tight groups at ever increasing distances is a function of correct practice and lots of it. Hope that hhelps a wee bit.