Finding arrows that tune to your bow is always a fun trip! My first question is why not carbon?? Many trad shooters use carbon arrows, including myself. I started with Easton Legacy 2016's and 2117's. I then tried carbon and will never look back! IMHO carbon is the best arrow material to use, especially when first starting out. The reason is that carbon is more durable and accurate, forgiving, and easier to tune. From my experience, aluminum arrows are finicky and require a little playing around to get a good tune. Carbon accommodates a wider range of spine. For instance, my friend with a 50# Morrison and draw of 31" uses the same spine arrow as I do where my Robertson is 50# and my draw is 28". I can shoot this same arrow out of my 55# longbow as well. Carbon is just more versatile. Woodies are great too, trickier to tune and require straightening, but they are super quiet to shoot. I find aluminum to be a bit cumbersome personally. Its louder off the string, dents, bends, and is harder to tune. I think you would serve yourself well by checking out the Beman ICS Hunter or the Easton Epic. Both carbon arrows are reasonably priced, tough, and very accurate. That said there are those who stand by aluminum and love it... its really all personal choice, but I really think you should at least loose a few carbons at the local club or shop... just my take.
Oh and Keep working at it!! I know the frustration you are probably feeling... we all do. Shooting instinctive is difficult, but all the more rewarding because of that very fact. I have been shooting instinctive for 2 years now and finally seeing solid groups. That said I still shoot everyday (mainly b/c I love to shoot!) Stickbow shooting is all about the work and love of the bow. It takes time to really perfect your form and lock it into muscle memory. It is very worth it. I find a greater sense of accomplishment when shooting on par or better than my compound friends with my recurve.