hello all,
I've recently started down the archery road after a long gap...thirty years. that's what happens with a grandson that wants to get into archery.
Oh boy, here we go...
I'm havin a great time, and my grandson has turned out to be a natural archer. the boy has an eye for the target.
I bought him a Bear starter kit with the standard green glass bow, which I had reservations about. I'm a big believer in using the best tools, not bargain basement stuff.
that proved to be the case when I took him to our local archery shop, where they have a range. the young man running the place at the time saw the way my grandson was shooting, and handed him a Martin Rebel, 35lb.
the result? 8 arrows at 12 yds within a paper plate, and a huge grin on a childs face.
that led me to pick up a 52"29 lb recurve off of ****. that worked out so great I can't tell you, til another family member tried to string it and broke a tip.
We went to a 3D shoot this past weekend, and my boy is looking at used bows, and brings one to me, and practically begs me to buy it. Bear Kodiak Magnum, 45lb. i told him he wasn't strong enough to draw the bow. he proved me wrong on the range about 5 minutes later. Nail driver.
18 yards, a little more spread, but in the vitals.
So, for a really good price, he's set up again.
we shot the course, and he is averaging 20 yards with fairly good accuracy.
With all that said, my question is this. I have quite a few 2117 arrows, and had planned to set up a dozen for 3D use for this bow. I'm wondering now if I should try him on a smaller arrow, and go from there. one of the questions I need to clear up is I recently switched to a 125gr. point, and wonder if I should increase. Also, it appears the boy is drawing about 26 inches average, so I wonder if I should maybe try reducing his arrows to 27".
any thoughts along this line would be greatly appreciated.
Bear Tigercat LH 45lb.
(Now) Bear Kodiak Magnum, RH 45lb.