Great tip Jerry!
I don't pluck if my back tension and alignment is correct, but I had a big struggle with shelf contact as part of what I was doing with my fingers after some form changes. I got that fixed only to find I now shoot with a real relaxed ring finger and most of the weight on my middle finger. The ring finger has been dragging in the way and dropping down to get a little scrub by the serving along the bottom of the finger tip. I think because it holds little weight so doesn't blow open when the hand releases and the string goes. All was well until it started cracking last week after a lot of heavy shooting. I started to try and employ it a little more and keep it up tighter to the middle finer with more hook, but it was still sore after shooting, although better than it was.
Yesterday after reading your post I shot a few arrows before and after work. At first I was pulling the trigger and that was throwing me off, but it did get the finger out of the way. Then I went to squeezing the trigger, and it got a lot better.
I shot more today with the idea of relaxing just that finger. Wow what a difference. I get a great release, and because I key the relaxing of the hand with that finger, it gets clear of the string. I shot 100 arrows today without the band aid I was using and no harm done. Such a simple little change and it really help me out a lot. I still relax the whole hand, but for some reason relaxing the fingers with most of the string weight was not getting the ring finger to relax as well as the other. Now it feels like a micro chain reaction of all the finger going limp as soon as the ring finger relaxes.