During the 70's I shot field archery,mostly animal rounds too 65 yards,,shot 55lb.
Today I shoot field archery,mostly animal targets too 65 yards,,shoot 50lbs.
3D targets are still shot at those same distances but most clubs only briong out the 3D's for big shoots,the rest of the time we still shoot mat targets.
The compound folks get better all the time,but most trad shooters today are crap compered to what we were 30-40 years ago.
Laziness and close in 3D shooting are the two main reasons.
I've yet been to a 3D comp' that was as hard as my home field course,,and even when we host a shoot ourselves,our targets are moved in close for the 3D only crowd,,,if we don't move them "the pissing an whinging can be heard for days after.