I think you hit the nail on the head Diamond Paul, I was over bowed for years, I was drawing 28" at most shooting 60# bows @ 28", I think short drawing, collapse, and poor form was inevitable drawing bows of this weight, I would say that is the number one mistake made in traditional archery. I am 6'4" and now drawing 31" shooting a 45# @ 28", I most certainly was not aligned before, I now anchor for 2 to 3 seconds, and then complete expansion which increases my draw another 1/4 to 3/4" and that triggers my release. Someone asked the other day, how can you complete expansion when you are already at anchor, that is telling me they are over bowed, because I could not do it if I were still shooting 60# bows, heck, I didn't even get to my anchor shooting those bows, which caused snap shooting and every other bad habit I can think of. That being said, I have a form master in my near future as I am sure even though I think I am using the proper back muscles and tension, I more than likly am not, and at the very least need improvement in that area.