WOW, you are quick on the computer tonight. I was just updating my post and already 2 more replies.
My issue was always approaching the sight picture combined with muscle memmory. I had to find a way or me to beat that...and I did. I was shooting right handed, and switched to left handed to get a different sight picture. I am left eye dominant, but eye dominance was never an issue for me since I could use both eyes very well and when drawing right handed my right eye would pick up a sight picture...however, that combined with muscle memmory I would go on auto-pilot and snap shoot with the HH or Fred Asbel no hold method about a million times I went on autopilot and over time I lost mental control and as a result, I fell apart. Personally, and no offense intended, I think Asbell and Shultz's promotion of snap shooting is an archery disease that leads to target panic when one realizes they can't slow down and keep mental control at full draw.
When I tried to regain control, I found it difficult, until I tried left handed. TOTALLY DIFFERENT sight picture and no "pre-conditioned" muscle memmory created from already shooting a million arrows in habit mode. I keep mental control and I have found a solution for me.
I believe every case is different except for the fact that it takes some form of mental change to whip the physical autopilot.