George; Love ya buddy- but I just plain disagree.
I don't think that the traditional way of bowhunting goes back to just the days of Pope and Young; but thousands and thousands and thousands of years before that.
The societies that hung onto it; and the last of them on this continent - 'ISHI' did not have a sight on the bow.
I did live the Howard Hill; Fred Bear times too; and I remember that what fascinated people about Fred Bear was that he went out intending to shoot game at very close ranges.
The "BUSH BOW" was made to make it easier to work through bushes to get closer to game.
Oh yes - I know about tigers and other things; and yes Fred put a sight on his bows sometimes- but there is still the elephant in your room that you seem to be trying to ignore.
Go to a traditional bow shoot; and people are there not to use "George Jetson" era additions to their bows; but instead to shoot the traditional way........which as I pointed out goes back further than your lifetime or mine...the oldest bow still in existance is 7,500 years old; and there were no tap holes in it from a sight pin.
YEP came the age of the Atom Bomb and we were trying to make everything technologically easier. This led to all kinds of technology; the roots might be a hat pin stuck in cork; but chopping that root off left us with the idea of NOT using sights and trigger releases; and stabilizers and keeping pullies and wheels and cams and lighted this and that: OFF our bows. All this technology headed in the direction we know not where; but we do know away from: TRADITIONAL BOWHUNTING.
As far as those that insist on pointing out that at traditional shoots- a lot of people do not shoot as accurately as you THINK they should be; do remember.... that while target archery in groups is a sport; for every one person there; there are a thousand that are NOT THERE. A lot of us do not like shooting in front of people; because their concentration and perhaps 'purpose' is interfered with- so they don't show up.
Target archery is one thing; bowhunting is another.
I seem to remember the top target in the country missing a buck at 20 yards--- completely!!
I have shot horribly on targets in front of others; and made great shots while hunting.
Target archery is one world; bowhunting is another; and while they do overlap; they are not the same world.
In Rufus' picture of his deer target; how many of those arrows would have killed the deer; and how many would have won an archery tournament?
Traditional bowhunting and Traditional Target Archery perhaps should not- and cannot be compared...
Love ya George; and there is nothing better than a good Stout beer - but gotta disagree: with respect.
To judge one on the performance in another is not fair.
I hate shooting in front of others; and I love bowhunting.
I have made perfect shots at close range; and that is where I belong; and want to be.