I built a formaster this evening and started using it. It does seem to help me to feel what I think is back tension(nobody has ever showed me so I'm not completely sure). I can tell after using it a while my back is definitely more tired between my shoulders than usual. Is this a good sign? I kept after it until my draw hand did not want to follow the string foward upon release but rather stayed still or tried to recoil back some.
Immediately afterwards(so as not to lose the "feel"), I shot about 2-3 dozen arrows just to see how I did. I definitely grouped them better than normal(about a 4"-5" group at 18-20 yds consistantly). I did notice however that I tended to group to the left a little more than usual. The first group was actually about 6"-8" left of center. It seemed like I naturally started getting back to center as I shot a few groups though.
I could tell that when I shot the first group it seemed a little more effortless than usual and the string seemed to slip off my tab easier but I was suprised at how far left the arrows grouped.
I also noticed that the string would sometimes contact the left side of my chest upon release once in a while(not hard enough to hurt). Could I be trying to get too much back tension and moving my bow hand back too far to my left?
I think maybe this device will help me but I am worried about my grouping left. Is there some trick to using this device and is there a reason for me instantly shooting off center after using it? If it matters, I am right handed and hold the bow in my left hand. I know that good form is the key and I want to make sure I use the best form possible in my practice. I don't want to start bad habits and have to correct them later if I can help it.
Thanks for any help. I hope to get better at this eventually