I had it at about brace height in tillering with the long string. Then I tried to string it at brace with a string that was apperently too short. Just got to rushing it, and blew it trying to string it using the step through method. I knew better, but still did it. SNAP!
Not the first one I've broken mind you,,, just needed a little sympothy on this one.
No, it's not a kids bow as it will hang above my bench as a reminder to not get stupid after a few good days work.
Well Mickey, you've made that clear to me before, but hillsides is all I had to choose from. The good stuff is about gone, so I'm trying to get what I can out of what I have left.
Thanks for all the sympothy and George T.,,, that's why I'm not giving up even on the twisted, bug eaten, thin ringed osage that remains in my wood rack.