I hope I'm not putting my foot in the wrong place again ? During the time I had been seduced by the dark side ( shooting a wheeler ) I had found a really neat old bow site that was a royal pain in the butt to site in. Once I got it sited in though I would shoot at the top of a coffee cup up to 60yds. and any place in between and break arrows.
Just wait, the reason for this blasphemous ranting is coming, so needless to say the bow and I were pretty accurate. My furthest shot was___________________________________wait for it___________________________________27yds. To add to this my furthest shot with anything is only 35 yds. Why because #1 respect for the animal and #2 it's way harder to get up close. That is why I practice to 20 yds. ( and that is how long my back yard is to ),
And also, because I have come back to the light side of the force !