My "heavies" are in the 70# range, so near the bottom of what you are asking about. I shoot them the same as any other bow. Moderate speed draw, hold a couple of seconds or so to confirm a solid anchor and steady my body, then continue to expand and relax my fingers without changing anchor point so that the string is released without much movement of my string hand (or my bow arm or the rest of my body), and then follow through by maintaining my position until the arrow hits its mark. On a bow that is around 70# the release is usually much crisper as the string is pulled from my fingers quickly and easily as they relax. I believe that is why Byron Ferguson shoots bows around that weight. Carefully watch him shoot and you will see excellent form. Of course, ones strength needs to be sufficient to allow a full draw and good form with the upper body expanding rather than collapsing under a draw force that exceeds the physical ability to control it. If I could properly shoot even heavier bows, I certainly would, but most of us max out at some point below what some of you guys can shoot, and my max has been about 75#, even at my strongest and fittest. No one should criticize you for your exceptional strength, any more than a person who is only able to draw lighter weight bows should be criticized for having less strength. God has given us all different abilities, and He only expects us to use them to their fullest, whatever they are -- in His service, of course.