Lately, I've really been trying to fine tune my accuracy.
I've never killed anything with a trad bow.
I've been shooting like a mad man everyday after work and have thoroughly enjoyed my decision to acquire a recurve!
Lately, I've been tossing small 12oz water bottles out in the yard and stump shooting them. I've got a 3 acre yard. Built my house in a field! I've got tons of room to shoot!
Well, I hit the water bottles, but a lot of times I'm barely missing them. 90% of the time I shoot an inch or 2 high, on center.
I want to dead center the bottle everytime.
My main goal is to shoot big game with my curve. Whitetails and Hogs. Everytime I barely miss, I tell myself, "That's a dead deer/hog....", but, it still drives me crazy.
Now I'm telling myself, "That's a missed squirrel and that's not going to work!!!"
I do the same thing at close shots and at longer ranges. Doesn't matter where I'm at, I still miss the bottle (laying down, not standing up a little bit high) more than I hit the bottle.
I guess I'm a perfectionist shooting anything. I always get frustrated with myself if I don't dead center a target with any kind of weapon throwing some sort of projectile.
I'm looking for tips to really fine tune my shooting. In a perfect world, I'd never miss. But I know it will never be a perfect world. I'd just like to make it slightly better. lol!