Hey 'love2hunt' I to was overbowed for years, and now am shooting better then I ever have. I am 6'4" and I was shooting bows around 55 to 65#@ 28" drawing about 28" and not even close to being in alignment.
Now I am shooting bows, quite a few that I picked up on this site under the 'traditional bows' section that are between 39 to 47# @ 28" and I am now drawing 32" putting my true draw weight somewhere between 50 to 59# at my new draw length and in much better alignment (notice I did not say perfect alignment...always room for improvement...Ha!)
So in answer to your question, watch the traditionl bow section of this site and you will be able to pick up some very nice bows in your draw weight range for very reasonable prices from very good people.
One final thought, watch also bow length, because of my long draw length, I am only shooting bows in 62" or 64" length, with your longer draw length I would stick to bows of 64" or longer, they will be much more forgiving.
I am a big Bob Lee advocate, and that is most of what I have picked up on this site, and have several I have had built new from them, you won't go wrong with a Bob Lee, but in your situation, I would try out whatever quality bows I would come across for now to fit your long draw length and weight range.
Also, spend alot of time on this site under the 'Shooters forum' there is alot to learn abot shooting, things I never even close to knew about before I found this site. DK.