I took the deer to the Taxidermist tonight and he said he would pull the Jaw bone. As far as the body goes, it was a huge deer which appeared to be mature, Big ole gut and blocky. When I saw the body and determined it was a shooter, my focus went to the shot. I don't even want to look at the antlers. Wherever I look is where the arrow goes. I would like to see what the deer would be in the future, I know he would definately be better next year, his rack was kind of thin. He is above average deer for the area. Probably in the top ten for the county but I hunt all year around. I put alot of time in. Like a old professor told me, put three hours of study into each hour of class time. This year, I was kind of slack on preparation. Its not luck that the deer walked by. It was predetermined. A couple years ago, I went to Barry Wensels boot camp to compare notes. It was very informative and I have insight of questions I have had since I was a teenager. The mountains are very hard to hunt, unlike the agricultural land that I grew up with. The big thing here is the wind and the physical work. I might have to climb up and over just to approach the stand at the right wind. I climbed many times last year only to turn around and come home because the situation was not right.
Dtala, I am at a point in my hunting that all I want to shoot is bruisers, I would rather shoot does if the conditions are right. I don't want to offend anybody. I think I agree that all deer to certain individuals is a trophy and I don't condemn anybody for shooting what ever they want. I think it has to do with where you live. I moved here because I had relatives here and because of the deer hunting. To move just because of the deer hunting is kind of crazy but then again. I have been thinking about this since I seen my first deer on stand when I was twelve. That was 31 seasons ago. Yes, I have a sickness but its not depression, it obsession. How many of you would move to better hunting grounds if you could. I would like to retire to Iowa, Kansas or Montana. Tim in NC