I haven't taken one of his classes yet, but a friend of mine is one of his students and after a couple of years shooting he is competitive at the national level. He helps me now and I have applied the techniques and they work. I'll take a class someday. Have you shot one of his bows? I just got a new to me Dakota Pro Hunter, what a great bow. So you might as well tell the Mrs. now that you are going to need to spend another $950 for the bow that goes along with the class. You know people may bust your chops about the cost of the class, but I guess it depends on how valuable your time is. He will take years out of the learning curve for you, plus you won't have to unlearn as many bad habits. I am back in school after a go no where career. First thing I do after getting a job again is call Rick and schedule a class. Anyway, have fun.