I don't see anything that immediately catches my attention. Here is an idea to try. In the third picture, you look to be in pretty good alignment but I wonder if you are "laying" your head over onto the string? If you are starting your draw with your head more up and looking at the target, then when getting to full draw you lay your head over, like you were "cuddling" up on a rifle stock, your head will naturally turn slightly to the right. This could be placing your lip and nose in the "line of fire." Try this, keep your head position as it is at the start of the draw and bring the string to you, don't go to get it.
If you want to match the cant of your bow to your head, try to do it from the waist, not just the head. You really do look pretty good, and it just may be something you need to experiment with to get the clearance you need.
Let us know how it's going as you work on this.