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Author Topic: i want to hit 'em like HH  (Read 7535 times)

Offline TSP

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Re: i want to hit 'em like HH
« Reply #60 on: July 27, 2012, 04:49:00 PM »
These kinds of discussions are just another interesting part of the game. I like that there still are folks (like me) interested in the simpler styles of shooting, simpler meaning the kinds of form and gear (like Hill-style bows and simple wood arrows) that aren't normally associated with competitive target shooting.  Nothing wrong with well-structured competition, but for me the constant tedious technical breakdowns and rationalizations of every minute facet of every mechnical effort involved with learning to shoot competitive scores just plain takes the fun out of it.  Does the average bowhunter (who generally hunts quite close) or 'for fun' backyard shooter really need to write a mental term paper each time they draw and shoot an arrow, to get decent results?  I'm not sure they do.  It's a balance between two worlds:  getting as good as you can while having fun, vs. pursuing pinpoint deadly accuracy by treating the task like solving a terra frequency distribution algorithm.  Somewhere between the extremes of sloppy shooting and techno-anal extravagance lies a place of common sense for most shooters.  Where that is depends on what end of the spectrum you fancy.  'Make up your mind...hunt style or target style', said Hill.  To me that's as good a piece of advice on shooting as I've ever heard.

Here are a few video examples of what I mean by the simpler approach to shooting.  Notice the 'instinctive' style of sighting and form, unreliant on complicated theory or paint-by-number fussiness.  Not quite like Howard Hill form, but perhaps even more to the point about the fact that you don't need to technoshoot to enjoy the sport or be effective.  Coolness abounds in the simpler methods and gear, at least for me.  Try watching these short vids full-screen, the 'feel' of the unencumbered style and form comes across better.  BTW, this footage is clear evidence that one does NOT need to conciously use the arrow as an aiming tool, or hold the bow loosely (for true longbows a firm hand works best).                   :archer2:          



Offline cahaba

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Re: i want to hit 'em like HH
« Reply #61 on: August 02, 2012, 12:04:00 AM »
I don't know how many seconds defines one as a "snap" shooter or not. I sometimes shoot very fast and sometimes I hold for a second or two. Swing draw fast and I have a fast release. Swing draw slow and I may hold the shot for a second or two. My first group of 6 arrows today was pulled all at once with one hand; shooting distance was 20 yards measured. this is typical of my shooting accuracy as a "snap" shooter and there are many archers here at T.G. that are excellent "snap" shooters. As was stated earlier it's a fun way to shoot. No worry about yardages or arrow tips but just burning a hole in the spot I want to hit.. I am not aware of my point on the arrow or any part of the arrow. Mr. Hill did refer to his arrows point. I'm like some of yall : I don't want to look at any part of my arrow.
cahaba: A Choctaw word that means
"River from above"

Offline Overspined

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Re: i want to hit 'em like HH
« Reply #62 on: August 07, 2012, 11:09:00 PM »
Hey Dave, a friend of mine took Wesley's school, and I just read kidwell's updated TP section.  I am typically a snap shooter, but started trying to control my shot more lately.  Past 20 yds and I am not consistent. So with split vision and better control I am doing well adjusting. I can still snap shoot within about 20 yds, but I would like more structure and less guessing on every shot. It sounds like you have more control over your anchor, and I hope a couple more days will give me what I'm looking for.

Offline arrow flynn

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Re: i want to hit 'em like HH
« Reply #63 on: August 15, 2012, 02:51:00 AM »
Ishot w a snap shooter at a3d it does work for some people but for me it would lead to target panic. Im like that guy in lonesome dove who gets surounded by Indians in that gullywith Gus and tells him he has to take carefull aim to hitanything great movie that indian probably dipped that arrow in ****. I in the last couple have beaten tp. I shot w a guy who had a freezing problem trouble releasing the string which would lead to plucking the string etc a 3d shoot in northern ca hes tied for 1st place he froze and missed the target and the bail. A lot of guys and ladies too get messed up by the mental side of archery myself included.

Offline Crossed Arrows

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Re: i want to hit 'em like HH
« Reply #64 on: September 17, 2012, 10:05:00 PM »
Slow is smooth; smooth is fast.

Offline ChiefStingingArrow

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Re: i want to hit 'em like HH
« Reply #65 on: December 06, 2012, 11:54:00 PM »
Howard instructed his students to start out their form in a slow rythimic(if that is a word) pattern and always keep a smooth rythm and as you get better increase your rythm/speed. I have been trying to shoot like Howard Hill execpt when I tried to shoot fast I would get one perfect one out of was that one good one that keeps me trying to shoot his method. Slowing down my form has helped so much!

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