Overall considering that you have only been shooting a short while; pretty darn good! We will need a "face on" view too if you can do one.
Your observation about the string arm alignment is correct but not for the reason you suggest. If you watch your string hand when you release, you can see it pop out from your face. That tells me that you are not getting fully transferred into your back. Which in turn keeps your elbow outside the arrow line. When you reach full draw and before you release, think about pressing the string shoulder and elbow back behind you. Press back, press back, then release. This "press" is in the direction of another archer standing on the shooting line behind you and NOT back in the direction of the arrow. Another way to think about it is, "stick my chest out a little."
One of the reasons "us coaches" don't care for the term anchor is that many folks hear or read about "feather on the nose", "finger here", "knuckle there" and so on. This is fine ONCE you have your draw correct but they become REFERENCES only. Too many try to use those references to conform their bodies around. Rather than drawing to correct alignment and THEN setting the facial references. Said another way, the references are a result of the draw, NOT a target for the draw.
Again, would like to have a video from the front, there are other things that can affect overall alignment that can be seen better that way.
Good start!!