Ok gang. First off I am not a coach or wouldn't even say a good example of form to learn from, BUT since I have gone back to what I know my shooting is back to the level I enjoy. I am not a world class shooter by any means but I don't do so bad either.
Anyone who frequents the form page will have noticed that I was changing some things from about july thru december and all of them didn't help me a bit. So What I have noticed is this.
1). You can can't your bow a little or a lot and still maintain good solid form and alignment. A good way to practice this and learn it, is to draw back to anchor with your more static target form, lock into anchor THEN lean over into your cant. AFter a while you can draw canted and all is well without slumping in the shoulder and all the other bad habits that can come from it.
2) I hit on this in one, but draw to YOUR FACE not bring your face to your bow hand. This was a big one for me to get back to after I started trying the Asbell form. For some reason I started reaching my head to my bow hand not the other way around.
3) Keep that bow arm steady, keep that bow arm steady, keep that bow arm steady. It should not move away from the target until the arrow is sticking in foam or animal.
3) Find a comfortable anchor, don't try to make one up from what you have read. I shoot 3U and have always anchored kinda low compared to others and I tried to raise that anchor up to achieve that nose on feather, short point on and it litteraly almost ruined me. Find a comfortable anchor and learn it.
4) DO NOT WORRY ABOUT YOUR DRAW LENGHT. it is what it is!!!!!
5) Listen to Arne (moebow), and Jimmy B, these gentlemen have done more to help archers than most and they do not ask for a penny in return. These two are very very valuable to the archery community and I can not thank them enough. You will be hard pressed to find more useful information anywhere, free or paid. Thank you Arne and Jimmy.
There are a lot of people who help, here and elsewhere who I did not mention so I apologize and please do not take offense, it is just that Arne and Jimmy have been the ones I have noticed web wide who are always there with a ton of info. Mr. Terry Green has fantastic information also, and his stick figure form clock drawings are extremely useful.