In the Eastern tradition of archery, at least as reported in Zen in the Art of Archery, a student might spend a year learning to draw the bow and breathe before loosing his first arrow. So if you feel like spending a few months shooting at close range at a blank bale, more power to you!
The question I have for you, which is in no way intended to be a negative reflection on what you're doing, is how do you know if you're shooting with good form or bad form? I could understand that if I had Rod there, or some Zen master, he would tell me that I need to relax my hand, or whatever, and i could work on that. But it is only recently, after many years of shooting and several classes by Rod and others, that I have gotten to the point that I can shoot into a blank bale and notice what I'm doing right or wrong. And I'm sure there are still many things that escape my attention.
So this is an honest question. As a beginning shooter, what is your process for learning by shooting into a blank bale?