Over all pretty good. A nice controlled shot. I see two things I would point out (us coaches can't leave well enough alone you know :D ). You don't say how you are shooting or if there is some particular concern you have -- so these are two observations I'll make.
It appears as though you are holding the string on the tip pads of your fingers. The lighting is just off enough that I can't see the actual hook very well so I am looking at two things that make me think this. First, I can see your string hand finger nails and second, your knuckles are sticking out as you reach full draw.
My suggestion is to try placing the string in the joint of your index and middle fingers and on the pad of your ring finger. This will give you a stronger hook (called a deep hook) and allow the back of your hand to relax completely so the back of your hand is flat.
The other observation is during your draw. Watch as you draw and you will see your string elbow moving in an upwards direction. This is a draw that uses you upper shoulder (deltoid) and is a weaker way to draw the bow.
Try lifting the bow up to about nose level and allow both hands to move slightly down during the draw. This will let the string arm elbow move in a SLIGHTLY downward direction and will feel and actually BE stronger as it is engaging the back muscles rather than the top of the shoulder.
To actually see what I am talking about, I have some videos on You Tube -- TheMoebow1 That might help -- if you haven't seen them.