This evening, after not shooting my old longbow that I call "Blind Date" for over 2 months and going 3 for 3 in the zone, without any thought, on my first round of shooting, it got me to thinking.
Ive been shooting other bows that are very similar in design ( but not exact) and I shoot them fairly well, but I dont shoot them as well as I shoot my predominate " Blind Date" longbow.
For those of you who consider yourselves truly "instinctive" shooters, and depend on becoming as one with the bow, in order to simply, pick a spot, concentrate, push, pull and drill the mark.. how does changing bows affect your shooting?
Im finding that as I get older, that no 2 bows even with very, very similar design, even from the same builder, will shoot the same, and as one who shoots, what I feel to be a truly "instinctive" style, in which accuracy depends on becoming one with the bow, switching bows on a regular basis could be very detrimental to accuracy.
For those who consider yourselves truly "instictive" shooters, how do you feel about switching bows and its effect on accuracy?