Meat yield indicated he was probably in that 165-175# class.
The next day after buthering and packing was complete, I headed back to Portland. Benny finished casting my gold crown and fitted it and we headed south again on Saturday at O'dark-thirty to look for a deer for him.
We went to another spot he had seen several bucks from last year and where he had killed a doe. It was far closer so we went there first. I had pulled the earlier stands so I went and hung a stand a few yards away from where I had killed my buck and did some additional scouting.
I drove down to the Umpqua River where there exists a sub-species of whitetail called the "Columbian Whitetail". These deer have a unique white bullseye around their eyes and after a bit of looking I found a couple mature bucks running does.
Unfortunately it rained and it poured and Benny's deer sightings were pretty limited for the weekend. Benny will have a bit more time next weekend before the season closes on the southern spot.