At 8:00 this a.m. a wide 160 + 10pt. came over a rise 25yds. in front of me , slowly feeding right at me.He had 5" brows then 9",12",10" with 22+ spread but only avg. mass but 28+ beams. At 12yds. he turned broadside and looked away,I drew my A.S.longbow , picked a spot,anchored and then held on for dear life.We can only shoot 1 buck in In. and my tag was already on a 17" 9pt. Felt a greater sense of satisfaction lowering my draw than on most of the deer I've taken.Never saw this buck before.To make things worse{better???] at 8:30 two more nice bucks came in and bedded 10-25 front of me-17-18" 10 pts. with one having forked brows-both bigger than the one I tagged!! I'm doe hunting and the bucks must know it!!!Love every min. of it!!!