Finally! The solution to a big problem for me, presented it self to me yesterday. My arrows have been hitting the edge of the shelf, causing all sorts of erratic arrowflight. I have tried to tune it away for a long time, but with no luck. The only thing that seemed to help a little bit, was lowerering brace quite a bit under recommended height. After a lot of testing with bareshafts and pointweights, I found that my bow just had to have the recommended braceheight to get bareshafts and fletched arrows hitting the same spot. But that resulted in my arrows hitting the shelf-edge again. Really frustrating...
The solution was looking me right in the face the whole time: Wrong finger-pressure! To much of the weight was on my middel- and ringfinger. I just shifted the string-weight over to my middle- and indexfinger, and Hey Presto! Problem solved.
Just had to share this with you.