Originally posted by Terry Green:
Snap Shooting is a shooting Style and not associated with the mental issues of short drawing Target Panic.
Just wanted to make that clear as many of the late greats were snap shooters such as HH....
That's true, Terry. Snap shooting has many advantages: fluidity, rapidity, and thinking with the body instead of the mind. A friend who doesn't have target panic recently decided to switch back to snap shooting from draw and hold shooting because he missed the spontaneity, and wasn't getting the increased accuracy he had hoped for from draw and hold. He might have increased his accuracy if he had stuck with it longer, but for him it was less enjoyable to draw and hold than to snap shoot, and there aren't many people locally who shoot better than he does anyway.
I used to snap shoot, and then got target panic, and the only way I could figure out to control the target panic was to switch to draw and hold, as Scott advises in his video. There are many different methods out there to fight target panic, but all of them, with the exception of switching from right to left handed (or vice versa), involve drawing and holding.
I know you don't want to get involved with discussing, or thinking about, target panic, Terry, and I certainly don't blame you. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole! But just out of curiosity, has anyone out there cured their target panic without switching to draw and hold?