I know most of us don't like to shoot spot targets, but it can really help to diagnose how an archer is shooting. Recently, I purchased 38# ILF limbs to aid in my form work. Since then, I've been improving my scores shooting spots. Yesterday, I posted a PB, shooting 255 out of 300 on an NFAA blue face target at 20 yards. My ends scored this way: 77, 89, 89. I know this score doesn't mean I'm ready for Vegas or IBO Worlds. That's really not my goaI. My goal is just to continually improve my form and thereby my shooting. I feel my form improvement is largerly attributable to lowering my poundage, allowing me to focusing on my form. I hope this helps anyone who may want to shoot spots as a way to improve their form. Lower bow weight really worked for me.