I'm not sure what you mean by standing "straight on" to the target. Hopefully you mean perpendicular to the target, and not facing the target. Standing perpendicular to the target (such that if you put an arrow on the ground touching your toes it would point toward the target) raise the bow with your left hand and point it at the target. Actually extend your index finger and point at the target, if you want to, just to get the hang of it. Keep your bow hand pointed toward the target throughout the draw. They say that we can point at anything with a great degree of accuracy, which is the foundation of instinctive archery. The bow itself will be a tiny bit to the right of the target, but not 30*, and by the time you get to full draw, your arrow should be pointed somewhere on a vertical line through the target, depending on the distance. It really doesn't matter where your arrow is pointing while you're drawing the bow, but when you reach full draw, your arrow, your forearm, your shoulders, and your eye should all be pointed/focused on the target. That is why you hit it. Don't overthink it, just do it.