I did that back in the late 60s. Did not have a clue and nary a teacher in sight... arrows were sold at 32" and we thought that length was good enough. No tuning...FOC...abcdefg...
Fast forward to now...just think about all of the muscle groups involved in shooting (pulling) an arrow 32". There is an expansion of the chest, exaggeration of pull in relation to the chest, and a gazillion muscle groups trying to tell you when to let go.
Many years ago I learned the opposite of that uneducated mega-pull.
It was mostly a combination of what is known as Hill/Shultz (whatever) form...but it allowed me to regroup and retrain my mind/body to a more abbreviated, yet complete pull-to-release controlled by my mind with constant and intricate feedback from my line-of-sight, anchor, back muscle tension..(memory) developed into a consistency over several years.
You can't think your way through this...need to shoot 'till your mind/body takes over. Then you are rockin!