The impact of spine on POI is often the opposite for fletched arrows as for a bare shaft, i,e. stiff arrows may impact right. Or left; the effect on POI of spine on fletched arrows is unpredictable. However, if these are the same arrows you were shooting prior to the problem, that is unlikely to be the cause. Since you said "lately" I assume something has changed. The question is, what?
Occasional right hits for a RH shooter are usually caused by plucking, or occasionally opening your fingers rather than relaxing them on release. Consistent right hits would usually be a result of equipment tuning or "too much of a good thing" in form, such as eye position too far over the arrow or too much elbow rotation. You should only have a very light contact with your nose and the arrow. Left hits are often traced to too open a stance, so I suppose it's possible that right hits could be traced to too closed a stance.