Hi Arne, I appreciate your comments.
I know for a fact the problem is me, not spine or tuning.
I was seeing the "odd" movement of my hand as well in the video, wasn't sure it was a pluck or something else, but what you say is pretty much spot on with what I "thinking" the problem is.
Yes, I start out shooting pretty well, then with rushing the shot, lack of concentration, fatique, etc. something happens to cause the arrows to go right.
If I really concentrate when this occurs, I can usually correct the problem, but knowing the cause will be helpful.
I'll work on the "fix". I thought I was more into my back muscles but I suspect you are correct in your observations. I do have some videos where my hand doesn't have the pluck and hand / arm go straight back. The whole shot actually "feels" different and smoother.
Psyco trigger: Honestly, for a couple of years I've fought not to shoot this way but at 3D events, I short draw, snap shoot and have the TP.
I can sometimes snap shoot very well but then all of a sudden, I can take a nose dive in my accuracy, TP takes over.
It has come down to the the psycho trigger or a clicker to aid in getting a solid shot sequence, getting to anchor and releasing a well place arrow, or letting down. I chose the psych trigger...
My shooting initially declined with this method of shooting but has improved to where I'm shooting pretty much equal to before, the biggest difference has been how I shoot in pressure situations. So far psycho trigger has allowed me to shoot well in pressure situations.
The big test is the next two Sundays as I'm attending annual 3D Turkey shoots.
I'm really focusing on form and not so much score as I've seen that if I do what I'm supposed to do when releasing the arrow, good scores will naturally follow.
That, and doing a lot of wand shooting, working on alignment.
Again, thanks Arene and anyone else who has constructive comments.