Al Snow, you da' man! Right on about peanuts. Being a Jawga boy and having spend considerable time in peanut country, picking the peanut raw at its peak, just prior to diggin'.....makes the best boiled peanut. Most Juke Joints in Jawga peanut country provide boiled peanuts...increases the consumption of fluids, if you know what I mean.
You right once more about freezing boiled peanuts. I spent 7 years in Douglas, Ga.[1972-1979] and annually put up a year's supply of boiled peanuts in quart bags for the freezer. My three children would get out a bag, dump in boiling water for a moment of two, strain, and enjoy boiled peanuts any time of the year. The peanuts were a substitute for candy.
The only drawback was they hated to see me driving up with a truck full of peanut vines...they loved to eat'um, but hated to pick'um off the vines. It take a weekend with two big pots on gas burners going full speed to put up a winter's supply. I won't mention how many Miller ponies it took.