No matter what type of rib you're cookin, baby back, loin back, country, or st.louis, this is what I do.
Peel off the skin that is on the backside of rib.
Brine them at least 2 hours. Water, apple juice, salt, and brown sugar. Then rinse them off and pat dry.
Rub them with whatever your choice of rub is, then leave 'em overnight.
Rub them again, and let 'em sit while you're getting the smoker ready.
Smoke them for anywhere from 3-8 hours (depending which style of rib you're smoking) over hickory and lump charcoal. I spray/mop them every 45 minutes with apple juice/cider.
I foil them after 3 hours if doing loin backs, then cook them another 3 hours.
Then they get basted with homemade BBQ sauce over the fire, Sweet Heat.