Groundhogs are vegetarian, Beastie Boy...
Aside from their abode, what would make them stink so bad? You guys gut shoot em or what??
Grandpap made us eat anything we killed... I ate more ground hog than I knew how to count visiting the farm over the summer for 2 weeks of heaven at a time! that ole .22 in the head made short work of them crop eaters.
Them buggars got 6 scent glands...looks like grey marble fat under each leg AND...between the shoulder blades.
Separate knife to cut them all out, parboil with parsley and onion for 45 min on simmer and then bread and bake like "shake-n-bake" and they're pretty darn good eating. Or fried.
I quit eating them when I got my first .22-250 and picked one up that sounded like a bag of marbles, but looking forward to some bow kills for victuals again..
Being vegetarian, their fat smells just like Vit E...and my buddy's Slovene grandma would render the fat for the Vit E for her rheumatism! (rub, not ingest)
When young are first kicked outa the nest, they make great Grill Fare...just get all that fat off them before cooking...Vit E taste does not make for palatable fare