Someone asked over on the Pow Wow what snacks we take into the tree stand for our sits. I shared what I had just made for my tree stand sits and someone said "Hey, that sounds great. Thanks for sharing." So I thought maybe I should share it over here as well on the off chance someone is looking for something new.
I made some almond bark. Not that hard and I made it with some "healthy" ingredients. I try hard to pick snacks that are better for me than something wrapped in plastic. I doesn't always work though.
So I melted 1/2 lb of dark chocolate. I by the 75% cocoa dark chocolate because it has heart healthy attributes. I then mixed in quite a few almonds. Now these had been smoked prior to me adding them, I bought them that way. But I would think that regular almonds would be just as good. I then added dried cranberries. Again, heart healthy. And just cause I had them some sunflower seeds. I mixed it all up and poured it out onto some waxed paper. Slid it into the fridge to cool.
After it hardened back up I broke it up into "good for me" portion sizes and wrapped them up in 3's. Now I can grab a pack, throw them in my pack and hit the woods.
Good protein, good fats and good taste. Hope someone enjoys this and doctors it up for however they want. Blueberries, pistachio hearts, walnuts, the possibilities are endless.