I do think that 75#'s out of the right bow with the right arrows and shot well is enough for asiatic. However I know my 85# will shoot through the worse parts even if things aren't going perfectly
Monty's bow was only shooting the 1500 grain arrow at about 140fps for I think he said a KE of 43 or so?
I don't beleive in the "laws or diminishing returns" as pertains to getting an arrow to the target. Most of the time when someone says everything else was equal, it really wasn't. The best bow design for 45#'s may not be the best for 85#'s. The advantage of shooting the heavier bow is not to shoot a light arrow faster, but to shoot a heavier arrow at the same speed. I have two "identical" sets of limb, except one is 79#'s and the other is 85#'s and believe me there is a very obvious difference in performance.
My recommendation for guys that want to go next year is to start working on your setup NOW. The bow part is fairly easy, you just need to tune it to the max and work into shooting it. The hard part is coming up with the right arrows. Rick