I have been hunting with a CatQuiver 'Mini' by Rancho Safari and have really come to like it. It is a small St Charles type quiver of metal/plastic with fleece fabric covering it completely, and it can attach to the daypack or fanny pack they sell...you can view it at
http://www.ranchosafari.com/store/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=RS&Category_Code=CQ It will hold six arrows with big feathers and broadheads on it..the thing that I like about it is this-
I use it for hogs in South Carolina where we stalk them in clearcuts that have had pines planted in them..so you hunt it a lot like a corn field...crossing rows, look both ways...you know...when you get on them in there...its sometimes as many as 20 to 30 of them and the landowner wants them OUT..so we try to take as many as we can...and the 5 arrows I put in my bowquiver could turn into not enough in those situations.
The mini, when hooked to my day pack, stays low and out of the way if i am sliding through brush, but handy right behind my rear end to pull the broadhead end of the shaft out with my right hand-it keeps the fletch dry, which in South Carolina its usually raining or just stopped, or in the mornings its dew-y as all get out..98% humidity and all..
Or I can use it without the day pack..I put it over my left shoulder, so the bottom is sticking right by my right butt cheek slanted up toward my left shoulder..its not in the way if i have to belly crawl becuase i worked ont he strap and made it so I can tighten it up till it stays EXACTLY where I want it, low so it doesn't grab brush when i duck down,and it works like a champ.
At 46 bucks its not a pocket book killer either, if you bang it up, tear it up...and have to replace it.