I saw half a dozen hogs while I was there, got one shot off and missed high over his back (27 yards, a bit far for me, shot over a bush), saw lots of jackrabbits, and heard lots of song dogs. Thankfully I did NOT see any snakes or mountain lions, although they may have seen me for all I know.
There were also all kinds of birds there. It was fun watching the bobwhites walking around and fighting with the pigeons. I have never seen countryside like that before, it was brush and low trees everywhere, not the open prairie that I had anticipated. Speaking of anticipation, I expected it to be dry and around 80 degrees while we were there. So, of course, it rained the second day, and the temperatures dropped into the high 60's. Just another trip to reinforce the old adage to bring stuff for all kinds of weather. The rain also brought out the mosquitoes and turned the roads/trails into slick mud traps. We had to drive around to the back side of the lease and come in from the back side to get to some of the feeders.
I don't want to make it sound like a bad trip though. I had a good time. Beautiful countryside, good folks to hunt with, moderate temperatures, I saw some game, did some hunting from ground blinds I made on the spot and also did some spot and stalk hunting. It is very humbling to think you are moving silently through the brush, checking out the shadows, only to hear a hog squeal a warning to his friends from BEHIND you. Since I have never hunted hogs or that kind of terrain, it was a learning experience for me.
I don't have any pictures of the hogs, but I will post what I have when they get developed.